Most people don't have the time and patience to cook and eat healthy food. They also lack inspiration and the knowledge to keep food in their fridge from going bad.

Easy Peasy App



  • Ideation

  • Personas

  • Survey

  • Benchmark

  • Card Sorting


  • Problem definition

  • Concept

  • Brand and Values

  • Functionality

  • App map

  • User Stories

  • User flows

  • Wireframes lo-fi

  • Information Architecture

  • Wireframes hi-fi

  • Testing


  • Task Flows

  • Contrast tests

  • Microcopy

  • Moodboard

  • Branding

  • UI Kit

  • Visual Layouts

  • Prototype


To gather user information, we conducted a survey and created personas. The survey gave us valuable insights into what potential users like, dislike, and enjoy. This helped us focus our project better. Additionally, we conducted interviews with people who often cook or attend group meals, which further deepened our understanding of their problems, challenges, needs, and suggestions.


surveys gathered


interviews conducted

I would like to have an app that helps me in a more practical way, with simpler recipes.
— João
I have a really hard time using leftovers, so I look specifically for recipes to use whatever I have available at home.
— Margarida
I would like to see step by step recipes, with the list of ingredients.
— Miguel

Where do you find recipes?

Do you like to share recipes?

How often do you plan your meals?


28 years old

“Being vegetarian is good for the planet and health.”

Julio volunteers at Re-food to help reduce food waste. He lives sustainably by buying used clothes, composting, and cycling instead of driving. Only eats organic food and enjoy hosting friends for wine and tapas.


  • Incompatibility with friends due to being vegetarian

  • Eating always the same food, no diversity of recipes

  • Cook vegetarian to his friends without being expensive


  • Find recipes that make his life easier, with vegetarian solutions

  • More ideas to avoid food waste

  • Eat healthy


24 years old
Master’s Student

“Camera eats first”

Alice enjoys food, tours, travelling, arts, photography, and friends. She relaxes at home by watching Netflix, reading, and cooking. She thinks sharing meals brings people closer. Loves trying new restaurants and new types of food. You can find her at a brunch during the weekend.


  • Being betrayed by the photos of recipes she sees on social media

  • Struggling to recreate restaurant recipes

  • Uninspirational Content


  • Find recipes of food she tried in a restaurant

  • Find easy and ‘Instagrammable’ recipes

  • Quick and easy recipes and inspiration content


Problem Statement

Sometimes, it's hard to decide what to eat for meals due to a lack of patience and inspiration.

Main Goals

  • Providing a good experience in recipe creation and being a facilitator in organizing shopping and meal plans for a younger audience.

  • Making the task of cooking simpler and more enjoyable.

  • Giving a quick and efficient response to the needs of our users.


  1. Prepare a meal quickly and easily.

  2. Use a convenient search engine that lets you filter your interests.

  3. Find simple recipes that suit your taste and reduce food waste.

Card Sorting


  • Audio and Video

  • Nutritional values

  • Filters

  • By restrictions

  • By ingredients

  • Ingredients by number of people/servings

  • Meal Planner

  • Associate to the diet

  • Weekly Calendar

  • Share with Friends

Shopping List

  • Connect with the recipes

  • Share with friends

  • Suggest what to usually buy

Meal Planner

  • Associate to the diet

  • Weekly Calendar

  • Share with friends

Lo-fi Wireframes

User flow


#simple #fun #friendly #youthful #interactive #sustainable


UI Kit


Fundação Oriente
